Monday 14 October 2013

'Merica Part uno- Rebecca

After our long 11 hour flight to America, the home of Hollywood and the White house. We rested in a fancy hotel in LA until we were able to pick up a RV (Camper-van). As soon as we got the home on wheels, we headed off to a nearby camp-site and stayed there just for the night. All of our jet-lagged bodies woke up to an early start at 5.30am.... Then the whole family headed off through the desert and to a camp-site near Lake Isabella. Again, we stayed there for a night, this time waking up later then last time. The weather got to us, making us have a quick dip in the freezing pool located in the camp-site.

Time to move on. Stopping to take photos along the way, we eventually arrived at the hottest place in America. Death Valley. For those of you who haven't been there its basically a big desert filled with snakes, scorpions, bugs and birds. We were lucky enough to see a pretty big scorpion underneath a rock. The temperature reached up to 35 degrees Celsius! After a journey of leaning our heads out the window and feeling hot, we unfortunately found out that some of the roads and the visitor centre was closed. So, that meant that we couldn't see the salt flats. :( Finally we arrived in a rv resort and we spent the rest of the day in a kind of heated pool! Here are some photos of our travels in America so far...

Our RV in the desert
Me jumping off in Death Valley

Rose jumping off in Death Valley

The long straight roads of  'Merica

A Joshua tree in Death Valley

A dead tree in Death Valley

View looking out onto some of Death Valley


  1. Death Valley looks like a nice place (sarcasm)

  2. Love the Title. Man it looks so cool Madagascar never had Valleys, or actual roads for that fact.

  3. Ahhh Becca! Looks like you're having an amazing time travelling the world! Its great you can share your fab adventures with us! See you when you get back! :)

  4. cool photos rebbeca looks like your having fun! :)

  5. It looks really hot there

  6. Hey becca that looks so much fun!
    i would love to go there some time.
    Hope your having an awesome trip!!
    see you soon!
